Consider it all joy when we fall into various trials.

I. Introduction to Philippians (Philippians 1.1–2)
  1. Written to believers, from difficulties, for joy
    1. Joy, gladness and rejoice: Used 19 times in 4 chapters
    2. Written from a prison in Rome, under Nero
    3. The founding of the church at Philippi (Acts 16)
II. The Prayers We Should be Praying (Philippians 1.3–11)
  1. The things you should remember about each other
    1. Request for joy
    2. Request for fellowship of the gospel
    3. Request for the good work
  2. The vision in your heart for fellowship and service
    1. Partakers of grace
    2. Long for you with the love of Jesus
    3. Abounding love
    4. Knowledge and discernment
    5. Excellent service
    6. Sincere fruitfulness
    7. Fruits of righteousness
    III. The Life We Should Be Living (Philippians 1.12–30)
    1. God allows all things to happen
      1. Witness in difficulties spreads the gospel
      2. Staying strong, makes others strong
      3. Preach the gospel, God will deal with the motives
      4. Prayer and the Holy Spirit
      5. Life’s Purpose: To know God and bring Him glory
    2. To Live is Christ, To Die Is Gain
      1. The two desires of life
      2. The spiritual progress of others
    3. To believe in Him and to suffer for Him
      1. Your conduct
      2. Your unity

A Prescription for Joy

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